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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, August 31, 2010.  Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.  A quorum was not present.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Girgasky, Joseph Whelan.  arriving at 7:20 pm: Roger Letso, making a quorum; Absent: Thomas Catalina, Robert Edwards, James Juliano, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight; Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa; Morganti representatives Tim Gunn and Mark Schweitzer; Board of Education Superintendent Janet Robinson, Board of Education member David Nanavaty, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Gino Faiella; Parks and Rec representative Edward Marks; Garland Company representative Steve Botelho; Voices reporter Linda Zukauskas; Newtown Patch reporter Hoa Nguyen.
Public Participation: None noted

Minutes: Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, seconded by Mr. Whelan the minutes of the regular meeting on July 27, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

The sequence of the meeting, presented in the Agenda, was modified to represent those present at this meeting.

Middle School Roof Project
Mr. Edwards and Mr. Catalina, the Ad Hoc leads for the Commission were not present.  Mr. Botelho, of the Garland Company made a presentation.  The company has been involved with Mr. Faiella with the examination and examination of the Middle School Roof.  They prepared the scope of work which has been presented to the Commission to assist in the selection of architects/engineers for the preparation of the construction and bidding documents.  The Garland Company is a manufacturer and installer of roofing materials of multiple types.  Mr. Botelho presented a PowerPoint indicating the experience of the company and findings of the examination of the Middle School Roof.

Summarizing the findings, the roof can be restored, and a substantial amount of the existing roof insulation maintained.  Approximately 1% of the existing insulation is wet and will need to be replaced.  Mold remediation may be required. The process and amount of roofing replacement including insulation will affect the need to comply with the current State Energy Codes.  This may require significant replacement of the roofing systems and may require additional roof drains to be installed.  The determination should be made by the design professional that is selected to prepare the construction documents.  This will also tie into the potential 31% reimbursement availability.

Mr. Botelho presented the following documents to the Commission.  These were included in the 2007/2008 evaluation.
        Infrared roof moisture analysis
        Renderings of the sloped roof portion of the school showing a standing seam metal roof.

Mr. Botelho indicated that other school districts have utilized the GBS and US Commodities service to directly purchase the roofing materials at State contract levels.  The design and installation labor is still bid.  This may not comply with State reimbursement requirements.  Mr. Botelho indicated that the saving may offset the loss of reimbursement.  Garland Company also provides a design/build alternative if the Town allows for it.  Ms. Robinson stated that the Town is part of the GBS and could buy the materials at a reduced rate.  Mr. Nanavaty indicated that the Board of Education may be able to allocate design funds directly for the selected A/E firm if it is allowed by the Town.  This may counteract and potential requirements for bidding the A/E to obtain State reimbursement.

Mr. Mitchell stated that he would direct the alternative bidding approach to the Town attorney for review and comment.  No actions were required by the Commission.

Community Center
The Commission had been told by Mr. Shilling of O&G that the final schematic design and cost estimate would be presented at this meeting.  No one from O&G was present at this meeting.

Mr. Marks gave an update of the project status to the Commission.  O&G revised the design without the input of either the Commission of the members of Park and Rec.  The original indication that the design could be constructed for $12 million, escalated to $15 million for the CIP as had been approved by the Board of Selectmen, was not accurate.  O&G revised the design to meet their estimate.

Mr. Mitchell indicated that the cost estimate should be independently validated by another firm before any design revisions are made.  Since this project is under the review of the PB&S Commission, no revisions can be made without the review and approval of the Commission.

High School Addition
Mr. Schweitzer stated that the Temporary Certificate for Occupancy for the existing high school was received, allowing the school year to commence.  There had been continuing meetings between Morganti, the Town Building Officials and Town Fire Marshal to develop the required completion to allow occupancy.  After a meeting on Monday a final list was established and corrective actions completed.  Most of the comments related to the completion of Stair 4.

Morganti indicated that the new addition would be ready for occupancy on November 9, 2010.  This date was established with the school to permit relocation of classes with minimal interruption.  Morganti will assist with any required moves.  The temporary trailers will remain on site until the addition and associated moves are completed.

The gymnasium is also behind schedule.  No completion date was made by Morganti.  The Commission requested that a firm date be given at the next meeting.

Mr. Mitchell indicated that the retainage will be held in full until the punch list is completed and approved by Mr. Knight.

Mr. Nanavaty questioned the time line for the delay since at the past meeting, we had been told that the project was two weeks behind schedule and a catch up schedule was being implemented.    He indicated that Morganti had not expressed a sense of urgency and a need to be completed as scheduled.  He requested that Morganti needed to confirm the occupancy dates, taking into affect the current speed of the sub-contractors.

Greenhouse: The bids for the greenhouse were substantially higher than expected and outside the original estimates presented to the Commission.  The Commission had previously approved the construction excavation, foundations and gas main for the greenhouse to accelerate the completion once the greenhouse was approved.  The full cost for the greenhouse would be approximately $440,000 not including and credits for the labor and materials related to the previous greenhouse rehabilitation.  15 potential bidders were identified, but only 2 submitted.

The greenhouse related programs are part of the Ed Spec and are within the reimbursable State requirements.  Mr. Costa and Ms. Robinson stated that the greenhouse should be treated like a classroom since that is how it functions, similar to culinary arts of MIDI.  They believe that it is appropriate spending.  However, if an alternative design can be determined that will lower the costs, this should be explored.  Mr. D’Angelo requested that Mr. Costa provide a written summary of these views.

A decision on the approval of additional funds for the greenhouse would need to be made before thanksgiving to maintain the construction schedule including the subs on site.  The construction period in estimated at 3 to 4 months, even with winter weather conditions.

Mr. Mitchell asked for a general opinion of the commission as to their view of the new cost.  All felt that it was too high but that an alternative did not appear possible at this late date of the construction.  The Commission did not feel that it could independently authorize the expenditure of funds in the projected amount without further review and authorization from an elected Town official or other Board.  Mr. Mitchell will meet with Mr. Tait and Ms. Llodra to review the status of the greenhouse and get direction.  The total expenditures of the High School to date are within the approved funding allocations.  However, this is approximately a third of the Town contingency funds.

Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders:

Fletcher Thompson invoice #30016437 in the amount of $19,544.00 and #0016435 in the amount of $3,949.80 and #0016436 in the amount of $123.84.  These invoices represent 91% of the construction administration.  Mr. Whelan requested that prior to approval of any future invoices that FT determine that there are sufficient funds available within their contract to complete the project.  Mr. Mitchell recommended approval.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded.  All were in favor.

Morganti Application and Certification for Payment #14 in the amount of $2,871,192.70.  This invoice represents 70.23% completion of construction. Mr. Mitchell recommended approval.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded.  All were in favor.

Unfinished Business
Mr. Mitchell passed out a first cut draft of recommended Commission Roles and Responsibilities for Town Projects.  These will be reviewed by the members for comments and additions.  The draft included the types of projects to be sent to the Commission, how the Commission will receive projects, how projects can be best managed, etc.  Following agreement on the procedures by the Commission, they will be sent to the Board of Selectmen for comment.  The Town Charter and/or Codes may need to be modified to be brought into agreement with the final recommendations.

New Business
Mr. D’Angelo passed out to the Commission the reasons and methodology that allows the Commission to enter into Executive Session.

At 9:20 the meeting was adjourned following a motion by Mr. D’Angelo, seconded by Mr. Mitchell and a unanimous vote.